Thursday, February 17, 2011

getting organized

This week has found me in full manic form, bouncing from room to room, purging and piling, recycling and shredding and in all senses of the word : ORGANIZING.
I remember the days of my early adulthood, when I was quite the organizer. Files got filed, boxes got labeled. A place for everything and everything in it's place. What the eff happened to that girl? Now I'm in constant "pile search" mode. I can't keep track of anything, and clutter is having it's way with me. I would like to say that the good housekeeper in me has decided to crack the whip and get her house in order because it's her job, but...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Sorry... what was I saying? I just lost track of my thoughts laughing hysterically at that last statement... oh yeah, getting organized. It isn't pride, it's the looming PCS. DUN DUN DUN For any of you non mil - peeps who might read this blog, a PCS is a Permanent Change of Station, or Army speak for moving. We will most likely be PCS-ing this summer, and after being stationed here at Ft. Lewis for an unheard of 5 years, we have accumulated a shit ton of unnecessary items. On top of the military gear, (three deployments worth), my dad invading my garage and filling every nook and cranny, and three kids worth of stuff, my immediate household has taken to unorganized chaos from the hours put in at PTA, Roller Derby, activities for the kids and shear laziness. But I am reclaiming my once tidy home, one trash bag and Ebay pile at a time.
But why freak out about a PCS that's nearly 6 months away, you ask? Well, for one, it's never too soon to start preparing for the Army to send you somewhere. Ever.
Secondly, and the most important reason , really, is that our little darling Patience will be graduating from High School in June and we will be so busy with her shenanigans that I don't want to be pressed for time or a slave to getting a house organized and ready for a move.
Thirdly, we are doing a partial move. Our move is only for 6 months, and from there Derek will get his next assignment and duty station, so we don't think it would be smart to move all of our stuff when we know we won't be able to fit it and /or use it and /or need it. Better to sort through what we don't need at all now, then step on over to what we won't need for the move and let the Army store it for us.
In all honesty, lastly, I think it's also about control. I have lost a bit of control over my household in general, but I am also losing control over major life events. My baby is moving out of OUR house, spreading her wings and becoming an adult and on top of that the rest of us are also leaving behind what is comfortable (we've been here a long time) for the unknown.
Both of these things make me nervous, but the former has me losing sleep.
So I guess my best way of coping with both situations is to organize the hell out of my house, get back to pile-free living, try to earn a few bucks on the backside from all my unwanted "treasures" and free up the time to enjoy the last months here in Washington and also as the Foster-party-of-5.
Soooo... In the true Heather tradition, I'd like to give you a few links to help you get organized, sell your crap and get s jump start on Spring cleaning!

AS you know, Goodwill and Thrift on Post are great places to DONATE
but did you know our JBLM Thrift takes consignments? Heck yes! Check them out T, W, TH 9:30 - 2 for details. Earn some money on your gently used items.
Also a great place to find items to organize your life for a fraction of the retail cost.

I can't say enough awesome things about this chain. We have one here, in Tacoma, by the mall. They BUY books/cds/dvds/video games/bluray/games/ etc.

Ebay and Craiglsist are great, but have you bookoo'd?
Bookoo - it's like an online yardsale. Look for one in your area

Check out some organizing Blogs for FREE tips

Involved in a moms group (MOPS, PWOC, co-op daycare)? Box up your reusable "treasures" and have a swap.
A few years ago I went through all my cleaners and pared down to a few basics, but I had hundreds of dollars worth of still nearly full bottles of cleaners, solutions, even mops and brushes.I didn't want to just toss 'em, so I took a box in to a PTA meeting and those items lasted about 10 seconds. I also do this when I have all the leftover food/supplies when a friend clears housing.

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