This post brought to you by a vodka tonic or two, so if this gets sketchy, you know why.
Today was another beautiful fantastic day in Washington State. I know some of you out-of-staters don't believe me, but its true, and i have pictures to prove it! Since this February treat of awesome weather is rare, I decided to make the most of it.
9:30 am -Me and my younger two girls met my friend and her kiddo at the 5K mud run site and walked the trail. The kids did all the obstacles we came across, and i became painfully aware of two things A.) I'm waaay out of shape for a 5K mudrun, and 2.) my kids need to be outside more.
This also brings me to a side note. My 5k is scheduled for around the same time as my husbands homecoming. I would like some opinions on the couth-ness ( yes I made that up) of showing up at said homecoming dripping with sweat, mud, and pride for completing my second 5k, this time sans Derek. Sure to some this may sound ridiculous. It probably is. But for you kindred Milspouses of mine, how often do we bend due to our spouses career. Our lives really do revolve around them, regardless of deployment. I think as wives, we often put our needs on the back-burner, because we've been told to "suck it up". But "sucking it up" and giving up our dreams/goals/wants are two different things. And I think I have finally come to realize that if I don't grab that thing I am after, no one is going to do it for me. And not only that, but this is MY LIFE too. And I need to be happy just as much as I need to make my family happy. So would I rather be at the 5k, or welcomeing my husband home with a hug and a kiss? I want both. So, I hope he likes muddy sweaty hugs <3.
1:ish pm - Took our beloved basset Hope to the dog park. Everyone in the free world had the same idea. There were also 4 cop cars in the parking lot. Was there a puppy rumble, I wonder. I know they weren't there to police the scoop your poop policy, as i witnessed many a pooch doing their thing as owners pretended not to see it. Come on people, common courtesy. NO ONE enjoys picking up poo, but stepping in it is even worse.
Now as some of you may know, I am a creature whore. I love animals. I cant help but pet and rub and pick up most animal we come across. I pick up slugs on the Tolmie trail, I chase frog croaks at the marsh, and there is no dog safe from my need to love at the dog park. Today, there was a special treat for me, ( I pray Hope doesn't read this) FIVE different English bulldogs all came up to me and wanted MY attention!! Ahhhhh, it was a good day.
Sunday is supposed to be another fantastic day, Western Washingtonians! Get out there and enjoy it. People watch, eavesdrop on a conversation, take a walk with your kids. And if you have some free time, come down to Steilacoom and get a healthy dose of beauty.
I will end my unorganized ramblings with this Gracieism: whilst playing travel bingo
"I found a fire DE-hydrant!"
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